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更新时间:2025-03-10 14:41:52
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George Bernard的近义词

1. Famous British playwright George Bernard Shaw dropped out of school because he thought schools were like prisons.

1. George Bernard Shaw was an Irish-born playwright, pamghleteer and music and theater critic.

2. Without that, you are occupationally dead, unless your name happens to be George Bernard Shaw or Thomas Alva Edison and you can successfully stop study in primary school.

3. George Bernard的意思

3. George Bernard Shaw, British dramatist You have to believe in yourself.

4. George Bernard

4. As well as Besant, the book included articles by George Bernard Shaw, Sydney Webb, Sydney Olivier, Graham Wallas, William Clarke and Hubert Bland.


5. Theirs was a serious business, and even those reviewers who wore their learning lightly, like George Bernard Shaw and Ernest Newman, could be trusted to know what they were about.

6. Karsh traveled to London in 1943with his portable studio——an 8×10view camera many studio lamps to photograph such notables as George Bernard Shaw, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the royal family.

7. The great Irish playwright George Bernard Shaw had a rather jaundiced view of our country. Shaw said that, While our constitution was set up to prevent political dictatorship, in doing so we established a society where every ward boss is a dictator, every financier a dictator, every private employer a dictator.

8. George Bernard是什么意思

8. Chesterton set the whole world laughing with a series of alleged non-partisan essays on the subject, and the whole affair, controversy and controversialists, was well-nigh swept into the pit by a thundering broadside from George Bernard Shaw.

9. George Bernard的意思

9. Chesterton set the whole world laughing with a series of alleged non-partisan essays on the subject, the whole affair, controversy controversialists, was well-nigh swept into the pit by a thundering broadside from George Bernard Shaw.


10. She knew many theatrical personalities and had worked, among others, with George Bernard Shaw.

11. First love is only a little foolishness and a lot of curiosity & George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright.

12. G. B. S. are the initials for George Bernard Shaw. I'm sure I don't want to criticize Bernard Shaw.

13. Extortion, taxes, blackmail drove others over to seek a way of living. Extortion of Spiritual Values by Trick and Force, Perfect Portrayal of Fabianism & Comments on George Bernard Shaw s Play Pygmalion;

14. George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion is a typical work of contrastive humorous art.

15. George Bernard Shaw said the daughter of the poor family is the their original stock.

16. She went to Cambridge and rubbed shoulders with the likes of George Bernard Shaw.

17. George Bernard

17. Evelyn Waugh is a satirist who enjoys the same fame as Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. He is called " the only first-rate comic genius that has appeared in English since Bernard Shaw ".

18. Dingxilin; George Bernard Shaw; comedy; the art of dialogue

19. He'd tried to buy the film rights of all George Bernard Shaw's plays.

20. George Bernard Shaw said that the United States and England were two great countries divided by a common language.

This divergence between American English and British English once caused George Bernard Shaw to say that the United States and United Kingdom are "two countries divided by a common language";(关于美式英语和英式英语的这种分歧,剧作家萧伯纳大发感慨“美英两国是一种语言,两个国家”,英国首相丘吉尔也曾说过类似的话。)
"Lack of money is the root of all evil" (George Bernard Shaw).(“缺钱是所有罪恶的根源”(乔治·伯纳德·肖)。)
Rare photos of old Shanghai - including visiting celebrities like George Bernard Shaw, Charlie Chaplin and Rabindranath Tagore - go on exhibit tomorrow at the Shanghai Library.(老上海的珍贵照片,明日(11月27日)将在上海图书馆展出,其中名人萧伯纳,查理·卓别林和泰戈尔在上海的留影。)
George Bernard Shaw won a Nobel Prize when he was nearly 70.(乔治·萧伯纳在将近70岁的时候获得了诺贝尔奖。)
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want , and if they cannot find them . they make them. (George Bernard Shaw , British dramatist)(在这个世界上,取得成功的人是那些努力寻找他们想要机会的人,如果找不到机会,他们就去创造机会。(英国剧作家肖伯纳。G。))
Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds, cannot change anything. " (George Bernard Shaw)"(没有变化,不可能有进步,那些首先不能改变思想的人也不要指望改变其他事情。)
George Bernard Shaw's Candida and Hu Shi's the Greatest Event in Life are just the two plays written under Ibsen and Nora's impact.(《康蒂妲》和《终身大事》是在娜拉精神的感召下分别由萧伯纳和胡适创作的剧本。)
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them — George Bernard Shaw, English author.(世间成功之人都能去寻求自己所需的环境。如果找不到,就自己去创造这种环境---萧伯纳,英国作家。)
George Bernard Shaw wrote his plays to be read as well as acted on the stage but most dramatists write their plays only for performance in the theatre.(乔治·伯纳德•萧写的戏剧既可以用于朗诵,也可以在舞台上表演。但是,绝大多数戏剧家写的戏剧只用来在剧院里表演。)
A man learns to skate by staggering about making a fool of himself; indeed, he progresses in all things by making a fool of himself. -george Bernard Shaw.(一个人经由四处摇晃出洋相学习溜冰;是的,他借由出洋相在所有事情中进步。(爱尔兰剧作家萧伯纳)。)
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